Spotify customer service number canada
Spotify customer service number canada

Perhaps you are a guardian Angel, that's there to help troubled souls, like me, who just want to speak to a human being. As a matter of fact, I was intrigued, when I read that you're not employed by spotify. So, I get all this bull**bleep** info lightening speed. To add to the total insanity of this fool's errand I've been on I have a brand new MacBookPro. As I asked you earlier, please enlighten me. I refuse to believe the rest of the world is out of their **bleep**in' minds.

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I didn't know whether to laugh, cry or yell. Each & every one said, there was no way of phoning Spotify. What made me lose it tonight, came after I searched for a Spotify phone number contact search. Which everyone seems to think is so drasticaclly wrong. This is not an antiquated idea, this making human contact, thing. That, it's delightful to speak to a person these days. Do I have to spell it out?! I'll tell you, when they need to get in touch, often I receive the nicest compliment. If I for one second even considered not giving my clients the opportunity to speak with me.

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I work best person to person, & I refuse to accept that pat resonse I get from everyone on Earth, "Well, that's how things are done these days." **bleep**in' Bull **bleep**, (pardon my French). Things aren't working properly, & I'd like to speak to a Spotify rep, to make it right. I'm having a problem with my Spotify acct. But, seriously, WHAT THE **bleep**?!! I've hit my limit with this seeming fear of anyone talking live on the phone.

spotify customer service number canada

Re: PHONE NUMBER FOR SPOTIFY CUSTOMER SERVICE?įirst off, this is not your dault, & I have not personally chosen you as the target of my wrath.

Spotify customer service number canada